Over the past few years, I have seen an increasing need for guidance from the parents I meet in my counselling practice and in schools on how to support their children's emotional wellbeing and help develop emotional resilience.
With their needs as my guide, I have created a four-part parenting course called...
Growing Strong Happy Families.
Sharing tips, and advice using real-life examples from case studies, Lulu draws from her wealth of experience as a teacher, social and emotional learning education consultant, and counsellor to guide parents through this thought-provoking and inspiring course. Lulu advises the participants on how to raise children with robust emotional resilience who are ready to take on and embrace all that the world has to offer. Giving down-to-earth, practical, and easy-to-implement guidance, eachsession builds on the other. The specific outcome isto bring about healthy behavioural change to support the long-termhappiness and well-being of everyone in the family.
The four sessions explore the past to look to the future to enable the present. Some recent feedback from parents following the onsite in-school delivery of the course facilitated by the school.
"Can’t think of anything that was missing from the course, it was comprehensive inspiring, and immensely valuable." "Amazing course! Back to the basic and fundamental aspects of being human and how to focus on this for our children." "Thank you for the brilliant session earlier today. I found it very interesting and helpful."
To sign up for the course at K.S. please contact me using the form below.