Lulu has worked in education for over 40 (!) years in England, Portugal, and Spain.
Working in all stages of primary education Lulu has acted as part of senior leadership in a Pastoral role, as Safeguarding lead, School Counsellor and school lead in PSHE and Religious Education.
She spent 4 years working at Knightsbridge School leading the pastoral care team and writing the PSHE curriculum.
Outside of education, Lulu has a wealth of experience in mentoring, and guiding, and as a mother of three, she brings both personal experience and professional expertise to the role of counsellor and guide.
As a teacher the emotional wellbeing of the children in her care has always been at the heart of her teaching. “Emotions drive learning, decision making, creativity, relationships and health.”
As a counsellor Lulu supports families, couples, individuals works as an education consultant in schools helping to develop the emotional intelligence and literacy of whole school communities. See more here.
Lulu works as a Social and Emotional Learning Consultant at The Soke.
Lulu writes parenting advice pieces for Mumfidential and acts as their Agony Aunt answering emails from parents who want a little gentle advice when they find themselves a bit stuck. Lulu also runs mindfulness workshops for small groups.
Lulu is a governor of a Primary school in Lambeth.
Professional Experience and Qualifications
Primary school teacher for over 35 years.
Pastoral Lead. Child Protection/Safeguarding Lead.
Whole school PSHE and R.E. co-ordinator.
RULER training -Yale Centre Emotional Intelligence, USA- creating Emotionally Intelligent Schools
Primary School Education Consultant specialising in Social and Emotional Learning.
'Mindfulness in Schools Project'- Paws B MSiP training
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (C.B.T.) practitioner Udemy certificated
Montessori Diploma in Pedagogy.
Thank you Catriona Trywhitt @b is for BIRD for the beautiful illustrations.X